

belize career recruiting

Our Featured Service

A better Team is out there, and we are here to help you discover it, you’re first step in building a better Team.

What you'll get

  • Application Statistics

    Keep track on your job activities

  • Notifications

    Get notified when candidates apply.

  • Profile Management

    Let candidates know more about your company.

  • Team Members

    Add members to your team to manage H.R duties.

  • Manage Job

    Make changes, duplicate, delete or fill job as necessary.

  • Manage Applicants

    Know about who is applying to the job.

  • Excel

    See the bigger picture, download excel with one-click

  • Schedule Meetings

    Book meetings with favorable candidates.

  • Email Candidate

    Notify candidate through our email integration.

  • Chat Support

    Chat with candidates with our build in chat management system.

  • Saved Candidates

    Saved candidates in needly organized folder for future hiring.

  • More Feautres

    More Features coming soon.

Buy additional Job Packages


Ideal for small businesses looking to fill one position with essential recruitment tools.
$150.00 only
  • 1 Job Posting (active for 30 days)
  • Access to Candidate Resumes (up to 10 resumes)
  • Candidate Filtering Tools
  • Email Notifications for applications
  • Job promoted on social media


Great for businesses needing more visibility and a broader selection of candidates.
$300.00 only
  • 3 Job Postings (active for 30 days)
  • Access to Candidate Resumes (up to 20 resumes)
  • Filtering Tools
  • Email Notifications for applications
  • Social Media Promotion
  • Featured Listing (priority job placement on the website)


Perfect for larger companies or those hiring for multiple positions and looking for comprehensive recruitment support.
$500.00 only
  • Unlimited Job Positing (active for 45 days)
  • Access to Candidate Resumes (Up to 45 resumes)
  • Filtering Tools
  • Email Notifications
  • Featured Listing (priority placement)
  • Social Media Ads
  • Account Manager


Designed for large-scale hiring with a focus on high-quality candidates and company branding.
$800.00 only
  • Unlimited Job Posting (90 Days)
  • Access to 50 Candidates Resume
  • Unlimited Featured Job
  • Recruitment Consultant (assist in candidate vetting and interview coordination)
  • Priority Featured Job on website
  • Social Media Promotion

Leading companies trust our services, and you can too.