CV Packages

Find the right talent in less time. Skip the waiting process. Have access to 100's of qualified talented resumes at once.

Package for faster hiring

  • CV Search

    Don't wait for talented candidates to apply. Start your search right from the get go and see which talented candidates are qualified for the job.

  • Access Talented Resume

    Browse talented resumes from candidates and looked out for key skills, work experiences, and qualifications that your company needs.

  • Interview / Hire

    Find the best talent for the job. Now, it’s time to set and interview for the qualified talented candidate an Hiring.

C.V Packages

Start browising Qualified and Talented Resumes Now!.

Resume Basic


See it in action

  • Job Posting (1 job)
  • View Resumes (3)
  • Featured Job (1)
  • Job Expires in (10 days)
  • Email & Chat Support

Professional Resume

$69.99 only

Start browsing favorable candidates.

  • Free Job Posting
  • Unlimited Featured Job
  • View CV's (15)
  • Package Expires (15 days)
  • Email & Chat Support
  • Access to all Features

Premium Talent Search

$149.99 only

Unlocking Full Potential

  • Unlimited Job Posting
  • Unlimited Featured Job
  • View CV's (30)
  • Package Expires (30 days)
  • Email & Chat Support
  • Access to All Features